Where to find your Customers

Top up on your sales and marketing techniques and knowledge and spend a few moments reading these informative guides.

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How to Sell Progressive Web Apps

Everything you need to know about selling Progressive Web Apps.


Why your Takeaway needs an App

White Label sales deck filled with persuasive information, facts and figures.

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Takeaway Industry Case Study

Educate potential customers about the benefits of adopting a Mobile App for their Takeaway using statistics from a real life case study.


Example Sales Script: Takeaways

Example of an outbound call to a Take Away following up an email.


Why Your Bar Needs a Mobile App

White Label sales deck filled with persuasive information, facts and figures.


Why your Store needs a Mobile App

White Label sales deck filled with persuasive information, facts and figures.


Why your School needs a Mobile App

White Label sales deck filled with persuasive information, facts and figures.

Why your Gym needs a Mobile App

White Label sales deck filled with persuasive information, facts and figures.

Why your Salon needs an App

White Label sales deck filled with persuasive information, facts and figures.


Example Sales Script: Beauty Salon

Example of an outbound call to a Beauty Salon following up an email.

Sales Deck Template

White Label sales deck template that you can used to fill with your own content, images, screenshots and more.


Do's & Don'ts of Sales

Follow our guide when preparing for a meeting.


Follow Up Sales Strategy

Use this example sales script and campaign strategy to follow up any opened emails.


Preparing for Meetings

Follow our guide when preparing for a meeting.


Sales Meeting Guide: Getting Out There

Follow our guide on how to lead your sales meeting.


Three reasons your business needs a loyalty App

Download these white label infographics to brand as your own by inserting your logo.


The rise of mobile

Download these white label infographics to brand as your own by inserting your logo.


Share of Web Traffic

Download these white label infographics to brand as your own by inserting your logo.


Increase Online Orders Flyer

Market yourself to potential takeaways and restaurants with this one page flyer template.


Increase online orders handout

Market yourself to potential leads with this 2 page flyer template.


Mobile Consumer Behaviour

Download these white label infographics to brand as your own by inserting your logo.


App Screen Shots

A selection of screenshots from Apps built on the platform, to be used for creating further sales material.


Mobile Marketing Trends

A compelling presentation on the importance of mobile highlighting valuable insights and trends.